Solve the problem of compling simulink-hackrf on MATLAB R2019a and R2021b
In my previous blog i mentioned that in higher Matlab version (>R2016a) there is a problem about compling simulink-hackrf using mex. After reading this reply and the help document of mex, i find the way of compling the simulink-hackrf on Matlab R2019a and R2021b.
I also fork the original simulink-hackrf Github project. The forked project simulink-hackrf_xuxiang is compatible for all Matlab versions and there is no extra installing or compling steps needed comparing to the original one. You can just follow my blog to process. And in the step 12, you only need one make command. I also hope to add more interesting features in this forked project.
The following records how to use mex to complie simulink-hackrf on higher Matlab version. If you want to use the original simulink-hackrf project, you could referto this.
Install MINGW
In higher Matlab version, we need to use Matlab Add-Ons to install the MINGW. This is much easier than installing in Matlab R2016a. Just click Adds-Ons and install it automatically
Generate new libhackrf.lib
You could refer to for more information about this step. The environment you need to prepare is the MSVC in VS2019. You could refer to this document for more information>. When MSVC is installed, open it in this path “…\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat”.
Then AustrianCodeWriter has given a complete description about how to generate libhackrf.lib based on MSVC environment.
Call a new MSVC console (e.g. for “Visual Studio 2019”: Start a new command line window and call the batch-script from “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat”)
- Change directory to “deps\bin” and run:
dumpbin /EXPORTS libhackrf.dll > libhackrf.exports
- Create a new file called “libhackrf.def” and insert the following lines:
LIBRARY “libhackrf.dll”
For hackrf_xxx insert each “hackrf_” element from your previously created “libhackrf.exports” file
- In your MSVC console type the command: lib /def:libhackrf.def /machine:x64 /out:libhackrf.lib
After doing these steps, it will generate libhackrf.exp, libhackrf.exports, libhackrf.def and libhackrf.lib. Copy libhackrf.lib into simulink-hackrf-1.0/deps/bin.
Change make
Open the make file in Simulink-hackrf. Then find %% Cofiguration, change [‘-L’ HACKRF_LIB_DIR]; ’-lhackrf’ … to [‘-L’ HACKRF_LIB_DIR]; ’-llibhackrf’…. Then run make.
Now everything is fine. You should be able to successfully complie it.